Saturday, September 29, 2012


Here is the final product of the my thread passages. This work contains five squares that are 18''x18''. Each square is threaded with 8 parabolic curves. This work is about endings and new beginnings. Each square is threaded on both sides, creating a reference to being janus face. There are two sides to every story. Each of the five squares are parallel to each other creating a tunnel like passage, a sort of portal. The color transitions from white to red to black. These colors signify two people and they're love for one another, but also relating to the chaos of a relationship. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Second Semester....

Hello! It's definitely been awhile! My first project this semester was 'Synchronicity', yes I am still basing my work off of my personal relationships with others. This work is made from plexiglass and thread (white,black and red) It is seven feet long and about one foot wide. 
When I installed this piece in my departments gallery space, I installed it vertically. It looked all right. Then the my department found an off campus space to have a show. So I decided to install my piece diagonally and loved it. I had many influences contributing to that decision (Tatlin's Corner Relief) lol 

After I made this piece, I disappeared from studio. I was in a funk...and liberal arts was kicking my ass...My teacher started a Sculptural Clay Workshop before the off campus show and spring break, a 2 week workshop about clay. My peers and I learned how mix our own clay. It was super awesome and interesting. At first I was stubborn about clay, I thought I would just take the workshop and get it over with. I made a couple things that were all right and bisque'd them and soda fired them.

Just a few things I made during the workshop.

Then one night I took a bike ride, due to the lovely weather, I woke up and decided to get back into the swing of making things. I went to studio and disconnected from everything and I made this.

Front of Sculptural Clay Piece
I just kept working and working. It felt great to create something that is completely different from what my usual work is like. I fell in love clay.

Back of Sculptural Clay Piece

This piece is in the process of being bisque'd and then I think I am going to soda fire it! and I started a new clay piece the other day so we will see where that takes me.

Also this semester I am currently in a ceramics elective. We have been learning Rhino, 3D design software, which is pretty dope. I definitely want to keep up on Fab Labs and Hacker Spaces. 

Here are a few projects that I have been working on in that class. 

These are some ceramic tiles that are less than 3''x 3''. With the help of a friend we created this design on illustrator and then I sketched it up in Rhino and then milled out a relief of the tile on a CNC router. Then I made a plaster mold and now I am in the process of pouring slip and casting the tile. I made the tiles tessellate, so then they can form other shapes. 

I have also been doing the same process with the shape of Africa. There are smaller pieces that fit in side that I am currently making molds for and then will cast.

 I was going for an Africa-n Bento Box. I am really excited for these to turn out. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Other Project

Here are a few photos of the other project I created this past semester.