Saturday, December 24, 2011

Other Project

Here are a few photos of the other project I created this past semester.

End of 1st Semester

Happy Holidays!!!

The end of the semester was a few weeks ago and it's been awhile since I have updated.

I created one last work that contained three wooden triangles made from 2x4's with plexiglas window panes. The triangles were painted - black, grey, and white, also all three triangles spun with the help of disco ball motors. The title of this work is 'Avoidance'

I wanted to create a work that reflected a certain situation that had happened in my life. Also I am still using triangles as a symbol of female [and male in the this case]. Also the colors are referencing that not everything is black and white, which also references my ethnicity but I didn't want to the viewer to make that connection - I only say that because my peers mentioned it in critique and of course that would know that since they know me.

With the triangles spinning constantly - the black and white one spin counter clockwise and the grey one spins clockwise - it speaks of motion and time. And also the triangles occasionally 'bump' into each other which I feel reflects my situation very well and it also very ironic.

After creating this work, a couple of friends of mine created a music video to go along with the piece.

I also created a lightbox this semester as a side project. I used vinyl from my internship and put special daylight bulbs in the box. I used those bulbs because I was learning about Seasonal Affective Disorder in my abnormal psychology class blah blah blah light therapy. Anyways here is an in progress picture but I finished it and the box is just painted white.

I just noticed I left out a project that I did this semester. So tomorrow I will try to post another update. And one of my resolutions for this year is to keep up with this blog and writing more about my work.

Wish me luck!